Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Passion of the Guy known as Choe Che-u (Dong-hak, su-not Choe Che-u)

A Filmclassic production. (Worldwide sales: Filmclassic, Seoul.) Created, directed, compiled by Stanley Park.With: Park Sang-jun, Song Kung-yea, Park il-jung, Jung Ki-seon, Han Jae-beom.Leaden helming turns cultural significance into aud indifference in "The Passion of the Guy Known as Choe Che-u." Producer-director-author Stanley Park spins a portrait of the 19th-century religious figure noted for his "Eastern learning," a theological stance that hit of "poisonous" Western considered to the Joseon era's Confucian leaders. Choe has subsequently inspired many decades of Koreans to digital rebel against oppression, but this pedagogic pic, which breaks Billy Wilder's famous filmmaking commandment "Thou shalt not bore," appears unlikely to create similar passion either locally or abroad. After title cards explain the historic context, film critic-switched-helmer Park pays homage to "The Passion of Joan of Arc" by limiting his film to a number of shots, some performed having a Carl Theodor Dreyer-inspired tilt. Most, as an early scene where a bound and bloodied Choe (Park Sang-jun) is punished with a pacing inquisitor (Song Kung-yea), are simply lengthy and dull. Park likewise shows no facility for dealing with thesps. Given Korea's progressively conservative political climate, this poorly recognized film might be considered brave by fest developers, because of the helmer's demand political expression.Camera (color, HD), Oh Kwang-keun editor, Go Im-pyo music, Stanley Park costume designer, Stanley Park. Examined at Busan Film Festival (New Power), March. 7, 2011. Running time: 106 MIN. Contact the range newsroom at

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Bubble Shows Which Will Survive?

Joel Mchale, Dana Delany and Kathy Bates We're mere days into the new TV season, and already the newcomer class provides some genuine hits (hello, women both New and two Broke!) But even though some shows started strong, several others faltered in the gate (RIP, The Playboy Club, Free Agents, How to be a Gentleman and Charlie's Angels!) Which shows will probably be next? These 11 will be in most likely probably the most danger, due to low ratings, poor performances among youthful audiences together with other typical bad signs. May be the favorite show available?Drop Preview: Get scoop on all your favorite new and returning shows1. Body of Proof (ABC)Tuesdays at 10/9cThe Very Good News: Dana Delany is just lovely. We'd watch her see the phonebook.Unhealthy News: It frequently falls behind both Memorable and Motherhood inside the demo, as well as the only show yanking lower ratings for ABC was the now-canceled Charlie's Angels. The show's average audience last season was around 11 million audiences it comes down lower to 9.7 million audiences up to now this season.2. Community (NBC)Thursdays at 8/7cThe Very Good News: The critical darling has acquired enough respect to lure some heavyweight guest stars, including John Goodman as well as the Wire's Michael Kenneth Williams. Plus: The show's latest episode, "Remedial Chaos Theory" is certainly one of the show's finest creative achievements so far.Harmful News: We are not watching. The show is calculating an anemic 3.7 million audiences per episode, an abysmal number that cannot be overlooked, even by NBC.3. CSI: NY (CBS)Fridays at 9/8cThe Very Good News: Despite sitting on this list in May, the show acquired a careful renewal when the network bought up 18 episodes. It's winning its (absolutely not-so-competitive) timeslot. Still, the show's audience is loyal: CSI: NY regularly evolves its lead-in, A Gifted Guy, an expert task (see below). Unhealthy News: The show's calculating ten million audiences, lower slightly from this past year, which doesn't produce a strong situation for producing any other episodes. It's among CBS' least expensive-undertaking shows.4. Fringe (Fox)Fridays at 9/8cThe Very Good News: Well...on Fridays, the bar remains suprisingly low! Within the latest outing, Fringe shipped single.2 rating/4 participate the demo, which isn't that definately not Friday-evening leader CSI: NY (1.7/5). And Fox Leader of Entertainment Kevin Reilly can be a fan. "It absolutely was one of the great victories for people last season," Reilly mentioned in August. "I had been entertaining the Friday evening victory for Fringe... I don't expect explosive growth [this fall]..."Unhealthy News: Hmm, what's the the complete opposite of explosive growth? Because that's what seems rather to own happened to Fringe. Viewership has dropped substantially involving the Season 3 finale (5.83 million) - which ended around the mind-dazzling, Peter-"killing" cliffhanger! -- and also the latest Season 4 amounts (3.16 million). Was the newest twist a lot of for Fringe's most die-hard fans?Have a look at our day-by-day calendar for your new fall schedule5. A Gifted Guy (CBS)Fridays at 8/7cThe Very Good News: You will find many talent involved, both as you're watching camera (stars Patrick Wilson and recent Emmy champion Margo Martindale) and behind (showrunner Neal Baer can be a veteran of ER and Law & Order: SVU Oscar champion Jonathan Demme directed the pilot). Unhealthy News: The show is calculating only 8.2 million audiences an instalment, plus it frequently handles to get rid of its timeslot inside the demo. Although CBS was formerly the network that let shows grow on Friday nights, it's also the network that's most likely probably the most callous about cutting underperforming shows. (Start to see the equally soft-beginning Three Rivers a couple of seasons back).6. Harry's Law (NBC)Wednesdays at 9/8cThe Very Good News: The David E. Kelley-created legal drama, starring Kathy Bates just like a lawyer who produces shop in the rundown shoe store, has were living a buzz-free existence since it is the month of the month of january debut - but it's the finest-rated scripted show on NBC's schedule, the other day delivering 7.84 total million audiences. The network also just bought six additional scripts, meaning it might be planning contingencies that could arise if the cancels other shows.Unhealthy News: The other day, it released single.2 rating/3 participate the demo, which falls below what NBC's now-canceled newcomers The Playboy Club and Free Agents averaged inside their short lives. Yikes.(Editor's note: Since publication, we now have received word that Hawaii Five- remains safe and secure.)7. Nikita (CW)Fridays at 8/7cThe Very Good News: The show is about the CW, that could probably accept the show's second season average of a single.7 million audiences an instalment much more than almost every other network.Unhealthy News: That 1.7 million audiences was formerly 2.4 million audiences this past year. So when Chuck can get into the mix on Fridays, this spy series might pull an amount smaller sized little bit of the wedding cake.Mastening numbers orders much more comfortable Being scripts Revenge, Suburgatory get full seasons8. Pan Am (ABC)Sundays at 10/9cThe Very Good News: The Jet Age cleaning cleaning soap stood a smooth take-off - really improving round the final season premiere of Desperate Regular folks that preceded it. Experts also came out ready to supply the show, some time drama in regards to the adventures from the Pan Am crew inside the sixties, an chance to build up its figures and arcs, particularly one including your flight attendant-switched-government spy. Unhealthy News: The show has since begun a pokey-and-steady nosedive, now striking a completely new low (1.9 rating inside the demo and 5.9 million audiences - a sizable loss from lead-in Desperate Housewives' 2.7 rating and 8.24 million).9. Prime Suspect (NBC)Thursday at 10/9cThe Very Good News: NBC has justification being patient while using well-cast, continuously examined cop drama, a stateside adaptation in the esteemed British original, starring Maria Bello just like a tough-as-nails detective in the male-centered profession: The network remains trying to rebuild its 10 o'clock hour, therefore it nearly destroyed this past year following a network leased the entire week day strip for the short-were living The Jay Leno Show. As well as, because it already axed The Playboy Club...Unhealthy News: Even against plenty of competition (Private Practice on ABC as well as the Mentalist on CBS), in addition to while using low anticipation set by NBC with Whitney becasue it is lead-in, single.3 grownups 18-49 rating isn't likely to operate on any evening, as well as internet marketer-valued Thursdays.10. Memorable (CBS)Tuesdays at 10/9cThe Very Good News: CBS audiences love Poppy Montgomery from her days up with no Trace, as well as the show's procedural elements are tailor-created for the network's brand. The show regularly sweeps its timeslot, both if this involves audience (normally 11 million audiences) and demo rating (roughly 2.5).Unhealthy News: The show acquired CBS' best-possible lead-in, the simple one-two punch of NCIS and NCIS: La, nevertheless it regularly sheds about 4 million audiences. Despite the fact that there's furthermore an obvious disappear while using Good Wife this past year, it absolutely was more inside the ballpark of just 2 million audiences.What can you consider our list? Which in the shows is it possible to not do without which are prepared for your scrap heap?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's Probation Suspended

Lindsay Lohan was removed in handcuffs today carrying out a judge suspended her probation status pending a hearing. She released her $100,000 bail and can return to court on November 2 to uncover if she'll be returning to jail. Judge Stephanie Saunter mentioned that Lohan had neglected the 360 several hours of community service inside a women's shelter -- additionally to a different 120 within the coroner's office -- she was required to accomplish after being sentenced for just about any driving while impaired conviction in 2007 and shoplifting conviction the 2009 May. In line with the LA Occasions, the actress "rarely came out inside a women's shelter" arriving just for 21 in the 360 several hours. The ultimate movie Lohan reaches Robert Rodriguez's 2010 film, 'Machete.' [via LA Occasions] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Was 'Cars 2' Underrated?

Are you buying John Lasseter's belated defense of 'Cars 2'? The Pixar guru, who co-directed the June release, took to the pages of the NY Times on Monday to insist that the summer sequel -- Pixar's first movie to disappoint critics -- wasn't a crass grab at merchandising money. Instead, 'Cars 2' was truly as personal and as heartfelt as the more beloved Pixar films, and on that point -- judging by the global box office -- audiences seemed to agree. With the DVD due for release in a couple weeks and the Academy about to shortlist the movies eligible for Best Animated Feature, it's clear why Lasseter would speak out now. Still, what if he's right? Did 'Cars 2' get an undeserved thrashing from the critical community? Is it better than reviewers thought? Does it actually have a shot at an Oscar? 'Cars 2' was the first film in Pixar's celebrated history to earn middling to poor reviews. The movie got some raves from reputable critics (notably, Roger Ebert and The Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy), but most were disappointed by what they saw as the film's lack of originality or magic. Considering the high bar set by the one-two-three punch of 'Wall-E,' 'Up,' and 'Toy Story 3,' critics were bound to consider a Pixar movie that was merely "good" to be mediocre or worse: some thought the film was outright bad, just a mercenary effort to sell more toys. The Times hints that critics' real beef was with the notion that Pixar is now just another Hollywood sausage factory, cranking out sequels. But that claim makes no sense, given the rapturous critical response to 'Toy Story 3' just a year ago. (Critics don't hate sequels, just superfluous sequels.) There's also a hint in the article that critics are big-city elitists who have little appreciation for race cars and NASCAR culture. That's an insulting claim, too. Some of the most positive reviews came from critics in Chicago, San Francisco, and Boston (not exactly NASCAR towns), while some of the most hostile came from critics in Charlotte, Austin, New Orleans, St. Petersburg, and Phoenix. If critics were disappointed, audiences embraced the film, right? So says the Times, citing the movie's $551 million worldwide gross, about $90 million more than 'Cars' drove off with five years ago. In North America, however, 'Cars 2' earned just $191 million, compared to $244 million for 'Cars.' Among Pixar's 12 movies, 'Cars 2' ranks 11th in domestic box office, above only 'A Bug's Life,' which earned $163 million. (Adjusting for inflation, it's clear that 'Bug's Life' sold about 10.5 million more tickets than 'Cars 2.') So American moviegoers were disappointed, too, at least compared to the usual level of enthusiasm they've shown for Pixar at the box office. Lasseter's spin to the Times glosses over the movie's weak domestic performance. "I reached deep into myself and saw what this film was about, and I think it's clear that audiences have responded," he said. "It is a very, very special film to me." He also told the Times that the movie was based on his own original idea, that rumors that parent company Disney forced the sequel upon him were "not true," and that 'Cars 2' was not just a merchandising opportunity but an attempt to tell an entertaining story that was no more mercenary than any other Pixar film. "My job, my focus, my deepest desire is to entertain people by making great movies," he said, "and we did that with 'Cars 2.'" 'Cars 2' Trailer The Times suggests that Lasseter's defense of the film is tied to the DVD release (due Nov. 1) and the imminent announcement by the Academy of the films eligible for Best Animated Feature consideration. It also suggests that 'Cars 2' is a frontrunner in the race. That may be true, but only because of Pixar's history of dominating the category. In truth, while 'Cars 2' will almost certainly be deemed eligible, its lack of critical support and underwhelming domestic box office will hurt its chances for victory. Besides, it's likely to be up against such films as the more original 'Rango' and the more crowd-pleasing 'Kung Fu Panda 2.' The Times also suggests that the less-than-smooth reception for 'Cars 2' -- and Lasseter's need to defend it -- are part of some growing pains at Pixar. For all its successes, the animation studio is facing some issues now, from criticism over Pixar's dearth of female protagonists (or writers, or directors), to the talent drain as directors like Andrew Stanton and Brad Bird move on to live-action features, to the recent death of Steve Jobs (who shepherded the company from a George Lucas castoff to a $7.4 billion power player). The overall picture, the Times suggests, is of a company that prides itself as an outsider, an upstart, an underdog figuring out how to maintain its independence and creative edge now that it's firmly rooted in Hollywood and is a major part of the Disney empire. Lasseter didn't directly address these concerns, but he insisted that every decision that's made is still to serve the story and not some other agenda. "No amount of great animation is going to save a bad story," he said. "That's why we go so far to make it right." He also insisted that the company is still about taking creative risks, not about doing what's safe in order to pad the bottom line. "When a lot of money is at stake, as there is with these films, there is the tendency to try something you know you can land," he said. "We simply don't do that." Can such talk persuade Oscar voters and DVD customers? It's doubtful, though disc users probably already know whether or not they want to buy 'Cars 2' and will likely send the film racing up the DVD charts no matter what Lasseter says. A better question would be: can Pixar persuade the critics and viewers who felt they got burned on 'Cars 2' to poly up for the next Pixar opus? (It's 'Brave,' a fantasy set in ancient Scotland, with Pixar's first female protagonist, due for release in June 2012.) Almost certainly, given the studio's otherwise stellar track record. But there'll be a lot more skepticism and scrutiny after 'Cars 2,' a lot more checking under the hood and kicking the tires before declaring the vehicle roadworthy. [via NYT] Potential Nominees for Best Animated Feature of 2011 See All Moviefone Galleries » Follow Gary Susman on Twitter Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

Fox Buys CIA Drama From Imagine, Family Comedy From Large Bang Recurring Duo

Fox has purchased a CIA drama from author Joe Weisberg (Falling Skies) along with a multi-camera comedy from actor-authors John Ross Bowie and Kevin Sussman, best recognized for their recurring roles on CBS’ hit comedy The Large Bang Theory. The hourlong project, from former CIA officer-switched-author Weisberg, Imagine TV and twentieth century Fox TV, is referred to like a high-stakes character-based drama focusing on the youthful assistants of high-ranking officials within the U.S. Intelligence community. The show happens inside the walls from the CIA, along with the DIA, NSA, FBI and also the intelligence components in the Whitened House. The comedy, from Bowie and Sussman, Principato-Youthful Entertainment and The new sony TV, is tentatively entitled The Ever After Part. It focuses on a stylish couple who visit extreme measures to aid their eccentric 5-year-old daughter, including relocating using the grooms tyrant mother to make use of the great public school in her own area. Peter Principato, Paul Youthful and Joel Zadak of Principato-Youthful, which handles Bowie, will executive produce, and Sussman’s manager Jill McGrath will co-produce. Bowie and Sussman met and grew to become buddies while guest starring together around the Large Bang Theory, where they recur as Leonard and Sheldon’s enemy Craig Kripke and comic store owner Stuart, correspondingly. The 2 authored comedy spec Dark Minions, which caught The new sony Televisions attention and brought towards the new project. Sussman is by using APA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Iranian Actress Faces Flogging Over Film

An Iranian actress continues to be sentenced to 90 lashes along with a year imprisonment for showing up within an Australian film displaying not putting on a headscarf. Marziah Vafamehr, star of 2009 film My Tehran Available, was jailed in This summer. Her sentence continues to be revealed by Iranian opposition website Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd stated the Australian government was deeply worried about Vafamehrs arrest. Cyan Films, the South Australia-based production company which made the award-winning film, stated it had been deeply shocked and appalled by her sentence. Ironically, My Tehran Available follows an actress who finds herself banned from focusing on stage through the Iranian government bodies. The film shows Iranian youthful people likely to subterranean raves, smoking hashish and making love before marriage acting, in a nutshell, like the majority of youthful people all over the world do. The producers have stated the film never was meant for distribution within Iran, and it is distribution around the underground community in Tehran continues to be totally outdoors what they can control. We still offer our support to Marzieh and her family by improving their desires to allow the situation and also the appeal stick to the proper legal channels, producers Kate Croser and Julie Ryan stated inside a statement. There's confusion in regards to what Vafamehr continues to be charged with: she seems to possess been arrested on grounds that My Tehran Available was shot within the Iranian capital without correct shooting permits. Both Cyan Films and Vafamehrs husband, Iranian filmmaker Nasser Taghvai, deny this. Vafahmehrs sentence comes the next day of Islamist protestors in Tunisia attempted to create fire to some TV station that tested Oscar-nominated film Persepolis: That film follows a youthful girl as she comes old from the backdrop from the Iranian revolution. Based on, Vafamehrs lawyer has become a huge hit the sentence. This is actually the trailer:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hammond: Will Marilyn Monroe Finally Get An Oscar?

Is Marilyn Monroe finally headed towards that Oscar nomination that eluded her in her all-too-short film career? In an odd twist of fate, yes. With the World Premiere Sunday night of The Weinstein Company’sMy Week With Marilyn (Nov 4) at the NY Film Festival another presumed awards contender is out of the gate. And if I were Meryl, Glenn, Charlize, Viola or any other lead actress Oscarhopeful I would be quaking in my boots. Michelle Williams as Monroe isthat good. Sexy, vulnerable, fragile, alluring, seductive, delectable, complexand all things in between she nails it and certainly has claimed a spot among the top five if not front runner status for theOscar itself. She also flawlesslysings a couple of Monroe standards as bookends for the film.I caughtit Sunday night at a small last-minute screening in Beverly Hills timed to coincide with its NY Premiere. Sony Classics did the same thing for Carnage when it opened NYFF over a week ago as Fox Searchlight did when The Tree Of Life premiered in Cannes. It makes us die-hardWest Coasters feel included in the hooplaI guess.At the very least it’ssmart Oscar strategy. An Academy acting branch member I talked to afterwards was totallyunder Williams’ spell. The movie directed by Britishtv producer/director Simon Curtis also turns out to be first class stuff which ,perhapsalong with Midnight In Paris,The Artist and The Descendants is one ofthe most purely entertaining films I’ve seen so far this year. I would imagine it will have great appeal for the same voters who went for Weinstein’s Best Picture winner The King’s Speech last year but realisticallyprobably has its best shots in performance and some below-the-line categories like Costume Design and Art Direction. Critical appreciation probably depends on the age of the critic. Those who don’t go in thinking this is about My Week With Marilyn Manson should be impressed. It also contains another surefire Best Supporting Actor nominee in Kenneth Branagh’s biting and all-knowing interpretation of Laurence Olivier in the film about the relationship between Monroe and production assistant Colin Clark who worked for Olivier during the troubled production of the 1957 comedy, The Prince And The Showgirl which the great actor also directed. Having acted and directed in Hamlet and Henry V just like Olivier it’s great to see Branagh get right to the heart of the man himself who thought his movie star credentials would be boosted appearing opposite Monroe only to be completely frustrated by the whole trying experience or working with the insecure American superstar. I have to confess after seeing some selectedfootage that was shown at the Weinstein party in Cannes last May I had my doubts about Williams as Monroe but thoseconcerns were completely erased in the context of the entire film where she gets to show three distinctly different sides of the star without ever drifting into impersonation.Ithink Williams haddoubtstoo when she was making the filmlast year in England. When I did a phone interview with her between takes to talk about her nominated turn in Blue Valentine I asked about playing Marilyn but she fumbled through an answer andcould not articulate what it meant then, much like the real Monroewhen she was making thereal film-within-the-film.The entire ensemble cast which includes a terrific Eddie Redmayne in the pivotal role of Clark, Dominic Cooper, Judi Dench, Zoe Wanamaker, Dougray Scott, Toby Jones and Julia Ormond could also figure for SAG’s Cast award as will the film in the Golden Globes Musical or Comedy categories where Midnight In Paris still has to be considered the favorite. Monroe herself was a Globeregular and in fact won Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical for 1959′s classic Some Like It Hot. She was also nominated in the same category for 1956′s Bus Stop but never managed to getANY kind of Oscar recognition even though her co-stars in both those films, Jack Lemmon in ‘Hot’ and Don Murray in Bus Stop each earned Academynominations playing opposite her. You can’t really say it is because of the Acad’s reluctance to nominate blondes or comediennes because Doris Day won her one and only Best Actress Oscar nom for Pillow Talk the same year Marilyn was eligible for ‘Hot’. She was great in Bus Stop too with brilliant comic instincts but sadly the Academy didn’t catch up with her before her tragic death in 1962. Now oddly Monroe and her unique appeal could figure strongly in the 2011 Best Actress race as channeled through Michelle Williams. Ironically Monroe did win some major recognition for Prince and the Showgirl grabbing Italy’s Oscar, the David di Donatello award and a British Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Actress. In other West Coast rumblings about that East Coast film festival there has been much speculation about which “work in progress from a masterfilmmaker scheduled to be released this year ” is going to be the subject of NYFF’s mystery screening Monday night at Avery Fisher Hall,only the second time in their 49 year history. It’s certainly a good ploy for Oscar attention. A lot of the guessing centers around Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar or Steven Spielberg’s War Horse or The Adventures of Tintin but all of those films are finished, not works in progress at this point. Another popular guess is Stephen Daldry’s Post 9/11 NY-set Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close but fine as a director this three-time Oscar nominee is I don’t think the word “master” yet applies so scratch that. It could be the latest from Wong Kar Wai or Zhang Yimou but neither of those films are set for this year yet, at least in America. Some think it may be David Fincher’s The Girl In The Dragon Tattoo but I know for a fact no one at Sony is aware if it is and apparently it would violate his deal if he were doing this on his own – very doubtful. That leaves a genuine “master” Martin Scorsese with his work , the 3D Hugo from Paramount, still “in progress” towards its November 23 holiday release. However a Paramount source who knows these things guessed it was the Daldry filmwhilestrongly indicating it wasn’t Hugo adding , “Do you really think Martin Scorsese would premiere his movie that way?” Well, yes. He took Gangs of NY Cannes seven months before its December 2002 release and showed 20 minutes of the “work in progress”. Several sources “sworn to secrecy” are also pointing to Hugo. Guess it’s a wait-and-see game until 7pm ET Monday. Nice way to get people talking about you out here on the other coast, NYFF! Finally, even if it didn’t burn up the box office ($10.5 million for the weekend), the well-reviewed George Clooney directed politicaldramaThe Ides Of March packed them in at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Goldwyn Theatre at a Sunday 2pm matinee that drew an estimated 900, near-capacity. Response was said to be warm , particularly for the actors said a source who said they “liked it but it might have been too smart for the room”. Too smart for that room? It may not have been Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star but I think they could probably figure it out.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fox Searchlight Will Release Fassbender-Mulligan Pic Shame This December

Well, lookie who just officially entered the Oscar race! Fox Searchlight excitedly Tweeted today that they’ll release filmmaker Steve McQueen’s hot festival pickup Shame on December 2, 2011. That means two things: A) Rejigger those early Oscar charts to allow for stars Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, and B) get ready for some erotic, angsty December sexytime. Just in time for the holidays! [@FoxSearchlight]

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Rhapsody buys Napster

The long-awaited consolidation in the music streaming space is underway. Rhapsody has acquired Napster from electronics giant Best Buy for an undisclosed price. The deal will combine two of the largest streaming services in the U.S. and could roughly double the number of Rhapsody subscribers. The transaction is expected to close by the end of next month and will result in Best Buy receiving a minority ownership stake in Rhapsody. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. "This is a 'go big or go home' business, so our focus is on sustainably growing the company," said Rhapsody president Jon Irwin in a statement. "This deal will further extend Rhapsody's lead over our competitors in the growing on-demand music market."Napster, to some, is still best known for kicking off the digital music revolution by allowing peer-to-peer sharing of MP3 files in the early part of the decade. The majority of that sharing was of pirated copies of songs. Best Buy acquired the company, which had retooled as a music streaming service, for $121 million in 2008.Rhapsody currently has over 800,000 subscribers. At the time of its acquisition by Best Buy, Napster was claiming to have nearly 700,000, though it's unclear where the company's current subscriber count stands. The merger between the two companies comes as the digital music market has seen competition intensify this year. Rhapsody and Napster are both well-known names in the streaming market, but the U.S. launch of Spotify and the successful IPO of Pandora earlier this year signaled a change in stakes. The launch of Amazon Cloud Player, Sony's Music Unlimited and Google Music further muddied the waters. Last month, the streaming music market got another big potential boost with the revamp of Facebook, which now allows users to share streaming content with each other via a live-ticker feed. Users won't be able to join their friends in listening to songs unless they're members of the same streaming service, though, which has prompted a land rush. (For instance, if one subscribes to Rhapsody, but another uses Spotify, they won't be able to listen together until one switches services.) The first service to gain critical mass on Facebook could well prove to be the winner in the streaming music space. And by being prominently featured onstage during Facebook's f8 summit, Spotify was given a big head start. Rhapsody instantly fired back, though, announcing a new 30-day trial program for Facebook users, which will provide unlimited access to its catalog of 13 million songs. Users are not required to provide credit card information when they sign up and don't have to worry about being automatically converted to subscribers at the end of the trial. (The service normally costs $10 per month.) Rhapsody was one of the first online music services to establish itself after the Napster lawsuits were winding down. Lately, though, it has been in danger of being overshadowed by Spotify, which has a sizable following in Europe and has quickly attracted U.S. customers. (The free version of Spotify attracted 1.4 million members in its first month -- and converted 175,000 of those -- a whopping 12.5 percent - to paying customers in that time.) "There's substantial value in bringing Napster's subscribers and robust IP portfolio to Rhapsody as we execute on our strategy to expand our business via direct acquisition of members and distribution deals," said Irwin. Contact the Variety newsroom at

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dolphin Tale Advances Moneyball To #1 But New Photos Weak: 50/50 #4, Courageous #5, Dream House #5, What is Your Number? #8

SATURDAY PM, fourth UPDATE: Still on holiday inside a different time zone. Regrettably, my meaning of time off work still involves working almost 24/7. Yes, the latest amounts have transformed an order all over again tonight and most likely each morning, too. The galleries don’t agree, either. (Not again, another confused weekend such as the 4g iphone!)This crop of 4 freshmen unsuccessful to create a dent in moviegoing because holdovers still ruled its northern border American box office. But overall the weekend expires +10%from this past year.Analysis coming. Here’s theTop 10: 1. Dolphin Tale (Alcon, Warner Bros) Week 2 [3,515 Theaters] Friday $3.4M, Saturday $6.5M,Weekend $14.3M (-25%), Believed Cume $37.5M Terrific hold as Alcon uncorks anotherfeel goodfavorite. However the cume is stilllagging. And DreamWorks Animation/Vital just pressed in the discharge of Puss ‘N’ Boots to October 28th — that will deny Dolphin Tale of the extra week of time alone with families. 2. Moneyball (The new sony) Week 2 [2,993 Theaters] Friday $3.8M, Saturday $5.5M,Weekend $12.2M (-37%), Believed Cume$38.2M Excellent hold specifically for a couple-quadrant pic. ButMoneyball‘s cume needsmore beer and peanuts. 3. Lion King three dimensional (Disney) Week 3 [2,340 Theaters] Friday $3.3M, Saturday $4.5M,Weekend$11M, Believed Cume $79.6M Spectacular, still with this juiced uptoon. Snarked an adversary studio professional, “I might have said excitedly about this 2-days-only garbage…” Incidentally, help remind me to inform you aboutthe several weeks of meetingsDisney’s Frankeneisnerledabout the storyline problems resulting from ‘lion cub incest’ for that follow up following the originalwasreleased. Onlyon Dopey Drive… 4. 50/50 (Summit/Mandate) NEW [2,458 Theaters] Friday $2.8M, Saturday $3.8M,Weekend $9M The very first thingto ponderabout this male Relation To Endearment is the fact that James McAvoy was designed to take part in the guy with cancer. Rather, Frederick Gordon-Levitt arrived in the last second. Now it’s tough to picture this truthful dramedy starring other people. Levitt is actually becoming probably the most interesting youthful stars around even when he’s not box office — yet.Summit Entertainment and Mandate Pictures gave50/50 a remarkably wide release a few days ago: within the past this pic could have been platformed so audiences could “find” it. But nowadays, using the increasing costs of selling, there’s virtually no time or purpose to doing that any longer. (“It was always imagined like a wide release picture instead of platformbecause of their playability,” an insider informs me.) Issue is, Summit thought the film wouldopen round the low double-numbers. Not a chance, despite an ‘A-’ CinemaScore from audiences. However,studio sources claim the flicks negative price is only $8 million. The question now's whether strong person to person allows this pic toplay for many days and finish up with an above average cume.As you must understand right now,the film writer Will Reiserbased the storyline simply by himself existence, and filmmaker Jonathan Levinepromoted not just the film and but alsocancer awareness.Pre-release, 50/50 was monitoring well with both male and women with older and more youthful audiences showing interest. Butthe really downer disease just stored audiences away despite partnershipswith leading national Cancer organizations likeStand As Much As Cancer and Lance Remedy’s Livestrongas well as numerous regional orgs.Marketing-smart, the film in the beginning was situated like a broad Seth Rogen comedy (not a different one!). But thenthe studio ingrained it using the feel ofa niche film. TV buys centered on more youthful movie-goers first after which broadened to older males and women in line with the developed positioning. Summit beganan extensive word-of-mouth screening enter in early August and opened it in the Toronto Film Festival to some standing ovation. People, don’t complain about Hollywood’s crappy movies should you won’t support thequality ones. I’m truly disappointed this movie didn’t fare better.It warrants to appear. 5. Courageous (The new sony) NEW [1,161 Theaters] Friday $3.1M, Saturday $3.2M,Weekend $8.7M This movie was Fireproof 2 — only substitute fatherhood trouble for marriage worries, and police force officials for firefighters. Like many of these belief-based films, Sherwood Pictures’ Courageous was front-loaded due to pre-sales and chapel groups bussed totheaters. But The new sony initially expected a mid-teens opening weekend despite the fact that it had been playing in over fifty percent as numerous locations because the other new releases.Still, it made the very best per-screen average and ranked an uncommon ‘A+’ CinemaScoreacross the board with males and ladies of any age.Plus, these photos cost next-to-nuthin’ –Courageous made back its$two million production budget in the first day ofrelease. Sherwood Pictures relies in Albany, Georgia, where moviemaking ministry Sherwood Baptist Chapel churns out these inspiring films targeted at Christian believers.The new sony Pictures’s secular TV media was concentrated in shops like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Hallmark Funnel, TLC, Lifetime, and TV Land too asmore conservative-leaning shops varying from Fox News, CMT to Christian Broadcasting Network and Gospel Music Funnel. The marketing budgetwas “modest and grassroots’, I’m told.Like Fireproof (2008), Facing The Titans (2006), Flywheel (2003), and also the co-authors wereStephen Kendrick, who also created,and Alex Kendrick, who also directed. They, along withproducers Michael Catt and Jim McBridetogethermake every movie decision at Sherwood in which the four-guy team also function as pastors from the chapel.Fireproof opened up at No. 4 within the nation this same season in 2008, eventually grossing $33 million theatrically, and achieving no. 1 independent film that annum. Additionally, it was the greatest-selling DVD within the nation a few days of their release in The month of january 2009. It starred former TV teen hearthrob Kirk Cameron, and Courageous was cast with unknowns. 6. Dream House (Morgan Creek/Universal) NEW [2,661 Theaters] Friday $2.9M, Saturday $3.7M, Weekend $8.8M Jim Robinson’s Morgan Creek shows all over again that it may’t make or market a film in order to save its existence. It may’t even handle publicity:MC’s moronsapparently can’t find my current email address because I’ve received nada from their store relating to this opener.Universal only agreed to be disbursing Morgan Creek taken care of and did anything else. Directed by Jim Sheridan and starringDaniel Craig, Naomi W, and Rachel Weisz, all of them should have needed the paydaybecause they’reway toomajor to get this done significantly-reviled drivel from the script credited to David Loucka. Seriously, this derivative haunted house tale gives new meaning to the phrase derivative. Worst were individuals TV advertisements thatstole moments in the Shining. It’shigh time the unbearable Robinson switches professions and begins selling used cars rather than used movies. 7.Abduction (Lionsgate) Week 2 [3,118 Theaters] Friday $1.7M, Saturday $2.6M,Weekend$5.7M (-47%), Believed Cume $19.2M 8. What’s Your Number? (Fox) NEW [3,002 Theaters] Friday $2M, Saturday $2.1M, Weekend $5.3M Anna Faris may be the modern-day Goldie Hawn: it’simpossible to not like her. Unless of course you place her inside a reallylousy R-ranked New Regency fully-funded movie such as this that Fox encircled having a muddled advertising campaign vascillating from a female-empowerment pic along with a run-of-the-mill rom-com. Issue is, daters haven’t spoken regarding their “number” because the mid-eighties when sexually-sent illnesses were frightening the bejesus from singles. Audiences gave What’s Your Number? a ‘B’ CinemaScore. Pic cost only $20M.Your buck to Anna’s career might be more.(I’d want to see Faris for the reason that remake of Hawn’sPrivate Benjamin she was designed to do for brand new Line. It gained Goldie a Best Actress Oscar nom.) Directed byMark Mylod and created by Love Flynn and Tripp Vinson with script credit given toGabrielle Allan & Jennifer Crittenden, in line with the book 20 Occasions A Girl by Karyn Bosnak. 9. Contagion (Warner Bros) Week 4 [2,744 Theaters] Friday $1.4M, Saturday $2.3M,Weekend $5M, Believed Cume $64.6M 10. Killer Elite (Open Road) Week 2 [2,986 Theaters] Friday $1.5M (-57%), Saturday $2.1M, Weekend $4.8M, Believed Cume $17.4M FRIDAY 1 PM: They are very early amounts according to matinees. And so the order could change significantly by tonight. My sources state that based on noon earnings, this is just an overview of in which the United States box office is appropriate now: 1. The #1 film at this time around is The new sony’s Courageous that is running 55% in front of where Fireproof was only at that time. (Fireproof continued to gross $6.8m because of its first weekend. Estimations are for Courageous to earn $5M Friday along with a weekend within the mid-teens. Unsurprising it’s trending in-front at this time because belief-based movies engender lots of pre-sales as chapel groups bus towards the theaters. 2. At this time it’s too near to demand second, 3rd, and fourth place as Alcon Entertainment/Warner Bros’ Dolphin Tale, The new sony Pictures’ Moneyball, and Disney’s Lion King 3 are ranking close together. 5. Summit’s 50/50 is believed at $3M for Friday having a weekend of $9M. Observe that this film is R-ranked so matinees are a bad barometer of their strength in the box office. 6. According to noon earnings, Universal’s Dream Home is trending toward a Friday believed gross of $4M having a weekend of $11M when the box office accumulates considerably tonight as predicted. 7. Fox’s What’s Your Number is really a tough refer to this as early. It might visit $3M today and $9M a few days ago.