Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Please help me find a song with only the description of the music video?

please help me with this!

okay so here's what I remember seeing in the clip
it's winter, much snow. there's a little girl with a red sled (thing)
and a teddy bear, she drops the bear and runs away (scared).
a man, scientist, picks up the bear and takes it to his home(place).
at that place it's creepy, dirty and there are people in cages. and an
operation table
during the clip the scientist operates the people in the cages. you
can't really see much but he does crazy stuff to them. in the end he
also operates the teddy bear.

and I think that's all, it's something like that. I think it's a song
from a little while ago, it's not too new
someone please help!

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